IneryDB Use Cases

IneryDB incentivizes data management as its main and most common use-case, through the implementation of all major query types. Advanced Filter/Sort, Select, Parameter, Summary, AutoLookup and Action Queries are all part of IneryDB functionality and enable the creation and implementation of architectures, policies, and procedures that manage the full data life-cycle needs. Extracting, transforming and loading data is paramount in IneryDB, and it is adjusted so that this is fully integrated in its functionality, with data preparation, cataloging and warehouses fully included. All of this functionality uses full power of Inery value contracts, which contain logic for actions required for establishing this, and as well giving power to the client-side for modifying them, establishing additional security and potential relational data structures.

The key component of the mentioned data management is governance of that same data. IneryDB allows the practice of managing how the data that is being managed is processed through the organization, application or any use. Through custom permissions of value contract and the account that contract is bound to, it gives the power of specifying:

Who has ownership of the data? Who can access what data? What security measures are in place to protect data and privacy? Which data sources are approved to use?

The communication with the database is simplified, but at the same time, through the generation of value contracts and their permissions in IneryDB, there is a lot of flexibility and a modular approach is something IneryDB provides for developers and organizations alike. Besides these permissions, additional security measures are certainly available and implementable from the client-side to work in symbiosis with the IneryDB database.

IneryDB is a gateway to much simplified and decentralized development due to its purpose of simplifying database management on blockchain, allowing for much-needed incorporation of blockchain database into applications. This, with the portability of IneryDB’s usage in development through implementation in various development technologies, will give enterprises and their teams the incorporation of IneryDB database solutions into any application they require. Although this covers only database segment of Dapp development, without services for interactions with the Inery blockchain in literal sense (besides database value contracts in the background), Inery blockchain also provides ability for that segment of development as well, should the developers decide to put their whole application on Inery blockchain and not use only its database management service. IneryDB’s portable purpose serves as well in a different manner of fashion, allowing only for decentralized database of the application, with the implementation of common web, desktop and mobile technologies for all use-cases they provide. These technologies would use IneryDB as a database library in their code logic and use it as a database tool, connecting their functionality with Inery blockchain database management capabilities.

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